
Roll 2 Roll

New roll of pictures to the photoblog if you didn't know. Not setting any blogging speed records, but it's been busy with me and posting the photos involves a bit of editing and a lot of copying and pasting.

Update: The scans from Clark were only up for a month, so I'll have to be reposting them. Have them all on CD if anyone wants a copy.


Rolling, rolling, rolling

So I finally found enough time to get my first roll of film ready and up. Since the film posts will all be very long and incongruous with the writing part of the blog, I thought it better to give the photos their own page.

Some of what you've been missing

The first post is titled simply, "Roll 1: Arrival Explorations and Da'an" and shows all my shots in the order I captured them, with captions. It can be found on the new photos page, 2004 Taiwan Photos. I'll try getting a couple more rolls up later this week.